The Pragmatic Strategist: Be Like T.J. – 2

T.J. demonstrates many of the behaviors we see in managers who are realistic about their role in their company’s strategy and how they build a supporting strategy for their unit. Yesterday we mentioned two behaviors we see in T.J. Here are two more.

The Pragmatic Strategist

T.J., like all Pragmatic Strategists, does not just think about today’s challenges. She ……

  • Dedicates time to identify events and emerging trends that will affect the organization and/or her unit. >>> If not, she and they will be surprised.
  • Anticipates needed changes to her unit’s role in the business. >>> If not, she and they will become irrelevant.

Upcoming Course Pilot

Want to learn more about The Pragmatic Strategist and the upcoming pilot? Click HERE to learn more. I’m facilitating the pilot with a maximum of fifteen participants. Don’t worry, you’re not committing to anything and I’m not going to sell your email. I’m just going to send you some information.

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Bill Welter