How T.J., Our Pragmatic Strategist, Avoids Failure

Last week we mentioned seven strategic behaviors we see in our friend T.J. Here are four more more. The final behavior is the one that keeps her from failure.

The Pragmatic Strategist

T.J., like all Pragmatic Strategists, exhibits most of the behaviors we have already mentioned. However, her success in the “eleventh behavior” is the one that prevent failure. She ……

  • Can list and is willing to vet the assumptions she’s working under. >>> If not, she is likely to be unpleasantly surprised.
  • Is willing to make decisions within her sphere of control and influences others to provide changes needed for her to succeed. >>> If not, her “strategic thinking” is merely a mental exercise and nothing will improve.
  • Evaluates alternative options for needed changes and knows how to sell her ideas to her stakeholders. >>> If not, she will be frustrated in her efforts.
  • Can write and implement a plan that aligns her unit with the vision, values, and goals of the organization in the evolving ecosystem. This plan identifies the specific, needed changes and the timeline, milestones and resources required to implement the changes. >>> If not, she will fail.

The eleventh behavior, the ability to plan and implement projects, is fundamental to the success of any strategy. Unfortunately, this skill set is underdeveloped in most managers and their organizations. (Why do I say this? Because I’ve been involved with projects for over fifty years and have NEVER come across an organization that brags their projects are always on-time, within budget, and deliver full scope outcomes. Never. What about your organization?)

Behaviors and the Upcoming Course Pilot

If you want a summary checklist of the eleven behaviors and some commentary, please click HERE . I’ll send you a summary. I will also send you information about the upcoming Pragmatic Strategist pilot. Don’t worry, you’re not committing to anything and I’m not going to sell your email address. I’m just going to send you some information.

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Bill Welter