The Pragmatic Strategist – some things to consider.

Here are some things to consider as you develop and execute strategy for your unit.

  • Control what you can and influence what and whom you must.
  • Keep up with the pace of change or risk becoming irrelevant.
  • Most business strategy is people dependent – know and respect your stakeholders.
  • Unless you’re selling a commodity, trying to be “the best” may be a waste of energy. Unless your offering is unique and valuable to customers, you’ll compete on price.
  • Strategic thinking is necessary but insufficient. If you can’t make decisions and execute them, it’s just wishful thinking.
  • Assumptions will make or break your strategy.
  • Be careful of the “do more with less” mantra – sometimes you get less with less.
  • Strategy may be about efficiency; but it’s always about effectiveness.

What would you add to our list?

We will be launching a five week pilot course focused on building Pragmatic Strategist skills. Watch for the announcement in August.

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Bill Welter