Bill Welter

Creative Destruction 2022

I’m in the process of developing our new Strategic Mindset Series for 2023 and it suddenly hit me that we’re in the midst of a fascinating period of creative destruction.

Remember, the global economy evolves in an amoral fashion – neither good nor bad, it just evolves. The punchline behind creative destruction is that you must keep up with this evolution or you become IRRELEVANT. (Try putting that on your resume!)

Creative Destruction?

  • Because of war, Covid, climate change, and supply chain problems we may be (are?) at the cusp of deglobalization. We have talked about the force of globalization for decades, but that force is weakening. Can we rebuild our manufacturing sector fast enough?
  • Because of the drop in births during the 2007-2009 financial crisis, colleges are about to see a severe drop in enrollments in 2025. Are they going to downsize or “pivot” to a different business model?
  • Airlines are trying to reduce carbon emissions and, as a result, are “electrifying” much of their ground equipment. Many airports do not have the capacity for this new demand. How fast can cities upgrade their electrical grid? Are massive banks of batteries in their future?
  • Here’s one for the auto industry. The Vietnamese EV car company VinFast just exported 999 EV autos to the U.S. They will hit our shore later in December. An experiment? Well, they have received almost 65,000 orders globally. Hey GM, ready for another competitor?

Coming soon

Our Strategic Mindset series is based on the premise that leaders at all levels must Learn from the Past and Respond to the Present if they are to Intercept the Future. Watch for it. We will provide short courses, webinars, and opportunities for self-study.

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Bill Welter