We help you with your challenges

Bill, Ken, and our colleagues are consulting educators. We provide training, education, and coaching to help you deal with the challenges you detect on your radar screen.

We help you build and use your strategic leadership skills.

How? We provide self-study courses, webinars, hybrid courses, coaching, and job aids to help you:
• Resolve complex business challenges that are in your Reactions Zone.
• Think crucially and strategically about the challenges forming in your Adaptation Zone.
• Develop and use strategic foresight to examine the clues you notice entering your Anticipation Zone.

Self-guided course, virtual workshop or webinar — the choice is yours

Learning styles differ. Organizational needs differ.

Which is why our content is available in several ways, for greatest transformation for you and your organization.

Self-guided course

A great way for individuals or small teams to learn and master new material. You can watch and re-watch the training videos and work through the exercises at your own pace. Perfect when you need some time for reflection or to let new concepts sink in.

Self-guided courses available now are listed below and available to purchase any time.

Virtual Workshop

For teams and medium sized groups providing focused learning, along with hands-on exercises during the workshop so that participants come away ready to apply their new insights and knowledge in their situations.

Because the workshop is live, for your team or organization, we can get specific about your needs and challenges, making the most effective use of participants’ time and empowering real transformation.


Online training customized for your team or organization, formatted for larger groups. You’ll get our deep insights and teaching customized for your organization’s particular needs.

Participants will come away with tools to apply their new insights and knowledge in their day-to-day work environment.

Any of the courses we offer can be modified and presented as a virtual workshop or webinar focused on your team or organization, so that specific needs and issues are effectively addressed.

To learn more about getting a virtual workshop or webinar for your organization, click the button below to contact us. Our initial call will help us determine together if a customized online training is a good solution for you.

Self-guided courses

Man looking through binoculars

Don’t Be Taken by Surprise

This course provides needed tools and techniques for running the Sense-Response Cycle. This cycle describes the four responsibilities of any leader: to sense, to make sense, to decide, and to act.

Hands with puzzle pieces

How to Think Critically and Strategically

This course provides needed tools and techniques for running the Sense-Response Cycle. This cycle describes the four responsibilities of any leader: to sense, to make sense, to decide, and to act.

8 essential skills for a prepared mind graphic

Eight Essentials Skills of a Prepared Mind

This course describes eight skills leaders need if they are to be prepared for the future. Although they seem “intellectually obvious,” not all are regularly used in many organizations.

Problem solving flow chart graphic

Solving Complex Business Problems – Mini-course

Some problems are simple – jump to a solution. Some problems are complicated – find an expert. But some problems are complex – learn how to deal with them and the organizational issue surrounding them.

Turning strategy into action graphic

Turning Strategy into Action

Moving your organization from a declaration of strategic intention to the accomplishment of that strategy is, obviously, not an easy task. It can be made easier by answering twelve critical questions. This course takes you into those questions and provides assistance in answering them.

What’s on the edge of your mental radar screen and coming in fast? 

Don’t know? You’re about to be blindsided!