
Today’s problems? Think like a 6th grader.

Today’s problems? Think like a 6th grader.

Remember the fun of word problems from your early school days? Something like the following was either agony or a lot of fun: “Ben is three times as old as John. The sum of their ages is 40 years. How old is each of them?” (Answer below.) Sixth Grade “heuristic” (i.e., steps to follow) 1….

self-guided graphic

Have you abandoned thinking to “influencers?”

Do we need more “influencers” telling us what to do, or do we need more people who think and act to resolve our challenges. Let’s see if I can influence your thinking. You’re a sucker if you need to always be right. You will ignore/discount information that you disagree with and, therefore, people will tell…

We are all historians

We are all historians

We are often told that “history” will judge us and our actions. But how long do we have to wait? Days? Months? Years? Centuries? Actually, we write our own history every day and we should be our own judge to start. Let’s see if our decisions and actions might stand up to the tests of…

Think into Your Future

You are going to spend the rest of your life in the future. Maybe you should think about it. You are facing four kinds of futures You have a known future that is found in demographics and recurring cycles. For example, you know that the demographics of the United States is slowly changing, but in…

big question

Questions, the engine of understanding

Big picture strategy may belong to the C-suite, but strategic thinking must take place throughout the organization. Basically, strategic thinking is the deliberative thinking that takes place when you ponder how you, your team, your department or your company will succeed now and into the future. My dilemma. I’ve been facilitating strategic thinking workshops for…


