
Intercept the Future? Some Challenges

Intercept the Future? Some Challenges

First, two questions. Can you predict the future? No. Can you anticipate the future? Yes. And, with some work and luck, you might be able to intercept it. So, the first challenge of intercepting the future is that of accepting these questions and their answers. If you think you can predict the future, you’re simply wrong….

Intercepting the Future

Intercepting the Future

I’m in the process of creating a new course series and one of the parts is “Intercepting the Future.” So, I’ve been thinking about what I might see at the ten-year horizon. Here are a few things that are on the edge of my mental radar screen. I thought I’d share them with you. I…

We are so screwed!

We are so screwed!

MindPrep 173 – We are so screwed! This is a copy of our latest newsletter. I wanted to “share it with the world” because it highlights a BIG problem that my generation keeps ignoring — I hope the young “up and comers” can fix what we’ve messed up. Please. The following article makes me wonder…

Getting back to normal is a fool’s errand

Getting back to normal is a fool’s errand

The last issue of MindPrep described leaders as those who live by the motto of “Learn from the past, deal with today, and prepare for the future.” They know that surprises are inevitable, but they don’t want to be taken by surprise.   It’s late 2022 as I write this, and many companies are hoping…

Prepared for the future? ENABLE the team.

Prepared for the future? ENABLE the team.

You may be the boss and have great ideas. But great ideas are WORTHLESS unless you have a team who can make them real. Be a jerk and row your own boat! (And you wonder why good people are “quiet quitting.” It’s not about them. It’s about how they’re treated.) Give them what they need….

Prepared for the future? Never stop LEARNING.

The term “lifelong learning” was originally thought of as a nice-to-do endeavor. Wrong. It’s essential to getting to the future. No matter what you do or where you work you must prevent your skill base from deteriorating. Otherwise, you’ll become intellectually obsolete. And that’s not something to be proud of. What skills do you need…

Prepared for the future? Learn to CHALLENGE yourself and your organization

Sometimes we should fly high but stay close to the ground because it “feels safer.” Oops. Taking meaningful risks is part of getting to the future. There are eight enduring skills you should master. Challenge is one of them, but all too often falls victim to our being risk adverse.   Our upcoming self-paced workshop…

Prepared for the future? Reflect on the past.

If we ignore the successes AND MISTAKES of our past we may end up continuing down a path that leads nowhere. But we must be brutally honest with ourselves. Unfortunately, we lie to ourselves all too often. What has NOT worked for you or your organization and what are you going to change? There are…


