A Dozen Realities – Updated

Guido Klumpe on VisualHunt.com

When Oliver Cummings and I created the Making Strategy Real workshop for MindPrep Resource Center (www.mindprep.com) we used a dozen “known truth” to guide our design. Now the question is whether these pre-pandemic truths will hold up in a post-pandemic world. Here are some initial thoughts:

The business environment is always evolving.Wow! The pandemic changed evolution into creative destruction in a few weeks.
Respond fast enough — or become irrelevant.Some companies will not survive, the ones that do will have to change fast.
You may not set strategy, but you have to influence it.Middle managers will be more involved than ever in the creation of functional and company strategy.
You can’t implement fluff.Leaders will have to stress clarity in their messages about strategy. The managers won’t have the time to “figure it out.”
Change always ripples.True more so than ever. Many things will be changing at once and interrelationships will determine success.
CEOs don’t run projects – you do.Managers will continue to “make it happen.”
Resources are limited and trade-offs always exist.Most organizations will be severely resource-constrained and will have to practice strategic-triage.
Strategy is just ideas until middle managers make it happen.It seems to us that this is a timeless truth.
Project make strategy happen.Great project leadership skills will be needed more than ever.
Intention and execution need to balance.Great plans without the ability to execute effectively will doom many struggling companies.
Stuff happens!We were not ready for COVID-19. What makes us think that there won’t be more surprises?
Use the A-Team ….. or else ….Always true and even more so as we come out of the crisis.
A Dozen Realities

What would you add to our list? What would you change? Your thought and comments are appreciated.

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